PPLLEEAASSEEE: How does BitTorrent work?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Many people advise to use BitTorrent to dl animes, movies or software... But I went on the website, dled the software and I did not manage to use it...

I would be happy if anyone could help me.


-- Anonymous, August 25, 2003


Firstly, I hope you've installed the right thing.

Secondly, there won't be any icon for BT. just go to the website with torrent files and click on the link of the ep you want. The BT will then run and ask you where you want to save the file to.

Try that out and see what happens.

-- Anonymous, August 25, 2003

did you happened to check their FAQS page ?

-- Anonymous, August 25, 2003

Moderation questions? read the FAQ