Burning DVDs with DVD-RW and Labeling

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hello, How to Print DVD Lable on DVD? I don't want the one printed on label sticker and than stick in on dvd but like the original dvds have on dvd.

-- (foo@bar.com), August 23, 2003


well, usually the companies that burn thse dvd's use a cd presser. which will... you guessed it! press the label onto the cd. it's just another form of plastic.

-- Aadon (aadon@hotmail.com), September 05, 2003.

but the one I am looking at does not look anything like labeled~! It just like they printed directly on DVD

-- (foo@bar.com), September 14, 2003.

Yes, there are printers that print direct on to the DVD (need to be clear DVD blanks for obvious reasons!!). The catch is they cost a lot of money, only production companies can afford them/justify the cost. Drop me an email if you want detailed prices and where to get them from.

-- Abel (abeltawalom@yahoo.co.uk), April 14, 2004.

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