What’s the difference between Kazaa Lite and Kazaa?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

What’s the difference between Kazaa Lite and Kazaa? thanx

-- Anonymous, August 22, 2003


Response to WhatÂ’s the difference between Kazaa Lite and Kazaa?

Basically Kazaalite is a hack of Kazaa. In Kazaalite the spyware (which Kazaa claims isn't in their software, but surprise it is) is taken out of the program. So with Kazaalite you get all of the features of Kazaa without the spyware, plus a few other features that tweak the program further.

-- Anonymous, August 22, 2003

Response to WhatÂ’s the difference between Kazaa Lite and Kazaa?

and no bad aftertaste.

-- Anonymous, August 22, 2003

Response to WhatÂ’s the difference between Kazaa Lite and Kazaa?

You also get 1000 participation level with kazaa lite. It never goes down and you get to keep it. But honestly, I think that participation level is a phony anyway. Doesn't seem to help any if its high or low.

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2003

Response to WhatÂ’s the difference between Kazaa Lite and Kazaa?

PL does matter. (and i should mention that to get a good par. level you have to share more than you download, in fact, downloading makes it go down.) oh, participation level gives you precedence over other people downloading from a user. K-lite is tweaked KaZaA, like he said. No spyware, and a way to block ads. Download accelerator, other little side programs, i dont realy feel like listing all in the correct order or whatever: what you heard is right, K-Lite is way better, you will realize it in downloading K++

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2003

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