Most Reverend Michael J. Sabatino- a question please. : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

Shalom Bishop Sabatino,

Your Excellency, may we take a moment of your time regarding something that has been troubling us for a while? In these modern days closet apologists and exegetes are cropping up all over our faith and we have found ourselves among these because we both love to read and discuss the Sacred Scriptures and it is hard not to use what we perceive in these resources as these can offer a powerful tool in defense for our Church and Catholic faith, particularly when enhanced with our Jewish knowledge and background. However, occasionally certain things may sprout up from time to time that make us uncomfortable, especially if they are in areas our Church doesn’t seem to have given formal guidance in, at least from what have been able to perceive. Usually these two things do not intersect, at least until recently when we found ourselves getting into such areas in Scripture with Protestants while defending our Church and the papacy.

In retrospect, we suspect the problem began when one of the Protestants on realized that we had some depth in Scriptural knowledge, especially in the area of prophecy, which she herself was struggling to understand. And she also noticed that we would use this Scriptural knowledge to build defenses against the attacks upon our Church, and this often silenced her attacks. So we believe she purposely began to focus her attacks in certain areas of our faith that she knew we would have to find a way to defend our Church, but yet we’re reluctant to reveal these things because of the sensitivity of the material. Indeed she later admitted to as much, perhaps thinking we would now freely share our knowledge because of her honesty, but we explained the material was too sensitive to give especially when we have not been able to have a bishop in our faith to oversee this material. Of course her proclamation of calling herself a “prophet” didn’t rest any easier in out hearts either.

We had hoped this would end her frustrating behavior when a new poster emerged on the scene exhibiting the same behavior. This “new” poster also attempted to move us in the same direction (regarding the 3rd Fatima prophecy, or Rev.2.12-17, 6.12-17 or 10, particularly the “seven thunders”) and this made us suspicious we were actually dealing with the same person incognito (she later confirmed this, whether by accident or purpose). So we both prayed for guidance as to what we should do, and in response we had a dream that night that told us to leave that site immediately before we risk problems with our Church, and so we did.

This incident has increased our interest in finding someone to review our material and to give us direction on how to know if what we have is kosher (proper), as we suspect it may very well be. Yet we would like to be sure we are in full abidance to our Church with this material, as well as possibly learn how to better handle the above situation. However, to date all of our requests for help have either ended with silence or a seemingly dead end. To be perfectly honest, we didn’t quite expose what it is that we are potentially holding, but we have given some of this sensitive (and less so) material.

From reports of others as well as seeing some evidence ourselves, we do believe the ministry we have has had much success, especially our site on the Eucharist. Perhaps the reason we have found success is because we have been able to give Scriptural proofs to support our Church and her doctrine, which is what many Protestants demand. Therefore we would like to be able to enhance this ministry, however, we question how far should our reach be, especially after our encounter with a Protestant that can truly argue “Sola Scriptura” and seems quite interested in greater understanding for her own personal benefit, and not that of others.

This is not the only occasion to which we desired the Church’s authority to review some materials we have. In a Scriptural study of Leviticus 26, we suspect we have found great insights that may be pertinent for this contemporary period; yet we have not seen success in receiving a response. And so, we refrained from exposing this as well, at least until we had a dream in February that we were told, “they would not believe you until you show them the blood upon your hands.” This troubled us greatly, so again we prayed to G-d for greater understanding and we received in another dream, “A man in Oklahoma City would be alive today if you had told him what you saw”. For us this was a confirmation as we had been working on certain prophecies back then, and to know it would have benefited another person if we were able to alert someone.

In our perspective, it does seem quite evident that HaShem is punishing America for her sinfulness. And with all that we began to “see”, we decided collect it together into a long essay which we termed as “Leviticus 26” for it was that portion of Scripture that we used as an outline for the study. We continued to postpone telling anyone about this dream (who would believe us?) hoping we only imagined everything until the day we found a story about a fish quoting Hebrew in Manhattan. Quite honestly, its use of Hebrew words (which were not correctly quoted in the newspaper) convicted us for we knew what that fish said, “Call out the watch, for the end is here”. Still it took us another month to finally get the courage to post that dream (we only posted to one of those we’d been communicating with at the time) and the study on a private Catholic message board (the Association of Hebrew Catholic message board) and received no response to date, except for a fellow Catholic pebble who asked if he could share this with a friend in the seminary, which we did agree to. Since we did not hear anymore from that time period, we made a copy of it and gave it to a priest we know in the Jewish-Catholic Dialogue (Rev. Father “Butch” Mazur) in June of this year.

Shortly after this, we found ourselves connected to a non-denominational message board called, and since we were unsure if this was kosher (proper), we again prayed for guidance and we had a dream that told us, “I’m sending you to a den of wolves because I have children there that you can help remain steadfast in Me”. And so we logged in and started to defend our Church. It was here that we met the girl above and that trouble began. About a month later we had that dream warning us leave that message board (as mentioned above). In a couple of weeks from that time, we felt drawn here. And now we find your presence here, and for this reason we are seeking your guidance and insights as how to best proceed.

Thank you for taking the time to read our story, and we do apologize for its length. We hope we have given you sufficient information. If you require more, please let us know and we’ll forward it to you. Again, thank you and we look forward to your response.

Sincerely, Corey & Carol Foegen Buffalo Diocese under the jurisdiction of the Most Reverend Henry J. Mansell

-- C.foegen (, August 22, 2003



-- (, August 23, 2003.

Praise to our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus!

I would suggest questioning your dreams and their origin since you say you were told to go into that forum ("pack of wolves") to do His bidding but instead of having any success you had failure and then were told to leave it at once. Compare this to scripture, where does G-d ever instruct someone to go do something and then tell them "oh forget it, it must not have been a good idea"?

May the Lord bless you today and build our compassion for the lost!

-- Timothy (, August 25, 2003.

Shalom Timothy,

You suggested to us in your post:

"I would suggest question your dreams and their origin since you were told to go into that forum ("pack of wolves") to do His bidding but instead of having success you had failure and then were told to leave at once."

Forgive us for saying so, but we had questioned the origin of our dreams. Although we have had dreams since our youths, we were unaware of the implication back then. However, as we matured we then began to question for proof whether these dreams were indeed from HaShem. Unfortunately the number of years has been many and we cannot easily recall all the events, but we both became satisfied that these dreams were indeed from Him.

As for the claim that we had failure, perhaps we may have caused you to be misled in our earlier post. It may have seemed that we were only briefly on that message board, however we accumulated approximately 200 posts, which included defending the righteousness of our Catholic Church using Scripture as well as topics of prophecy which later became the issue of contention that caused us to pray in how to deal with the manipulation of getting sensitive material that we deemed only our Church should have. Among those points of prophecy that we used is Zechariah 5 (which can be viewed at and the Fatima prophecy (which we believe we can show Scripturally as well). Through all of this we saw several responses of where the anti-Catholic rhetoric either lessened or stopped.

During this time period, the woman we described previously said she had "removed" her teeth", which we perceived as meaning she no longer would attack our Church upon that argument (at least that was her claim at the time). However, she seemed to have gained greater insight through our debates, but that wasn't enough because she then asked us to explain why Yeshua called our Church's foundation to be placed in the most fertile land in Babylon and exactly how was that "weight" upon the wickedness' mouth going to be removed? Again, we did not want to reveal our perspectives because we see it as sensitive, so we tried to evade the point. However, she recognized this and still requested the information, but we appealed to reason stating that we really needed to have this checked with our leadership first. Shortly after that, the new poster arrived, seemingly to pick up right where the woman left off; then finally she revealed herself, and it was then we prayed for guidance, which was followed by that dream.

Therefore, we did not leave soon after getting there and we suspect we had built a strong enough case for any righteous believer to give our Church the benefit of doubt. But the other issue we did not want to promote is her claim of being a prophet. The more we "revealed" the more we suspect it would help her in her claim, so we have to suspect that her interest was self motivated and not really for judging our Church.

As for whether we succeeded or failed, this would have to be compared to the will of HaShem. However, there is evidence from Scripture that He does call us to the Ninevehs of our world because we never know when they might put on sackcloth and repent. Further, Yeshua also said of those who do not:

"If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not have sinned; but now they have no excuse for their sins." Jn.15.22

Therefore, no task done for the glory of G-d and His church is futile even if those to whom we are sent refuse to listen; at least they have been warned. We made that mistake once with our nation as we saw in Scripture terrorism and war, but kept quiet. Did this bring the death of that one man in Oklahoma City? We believe so, based upon one of our dreams, which we were told that if a man had known he would not have been there. Still for us too many coincidences surround these last few months.

Shalom, C & C

-- C.Foegen (, August 26, 2003.

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