PLaying CDi games on PC : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hi I have downloaded a game as CDi (Nero Image) and burned it my PC does not recognizse the burned CD I don't really know what is CDI (software? hardware?)

My question is: Is there a program for Windows to play the CDI CDs? I have Win2000

thanks in advance Elad

-- Elad Menashe (, August 21, 2003


you have just burned nothing. cdi is a discjuggler cd image file. to explain it as best I can, whenever discjuggler burns a disc it gives you the option of saving that burn, it doesn't just save the locations of where you burned, it saves an exact image of what the cd burning should look like. If you record this any way other than how you are supposed to, you will only record the image file and the disc will do nothing. You must download a demo version of discjuggler from When you finally download and install the discjuggler software, choose to burn a cd from an image file(should be about the third or fourth choice on the list) and then click the cd picture next to the source dialog box, this is a browse button which allows you to find your cdi image. Generally, nothing else can record a cdi image and make it work.

-- Wesley Smith (, August 22, 2003.

There used to be a a hardware card sold by a company called I2M. CD-i ran on the OS9 operating system. This card is basically a CD-i player on a board and uses the cd-rom drive to play the discs.

This company used to sell players that connected to your tv to schools, you might call and see if they have any left.

hope this helps.

-- Rene Yzaguirre (, September 29, 2003.

download alcohol 120% it will find and convert any image and or play them

-- mik (, February 11, 2004.

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