Georgia & Florida X66 : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread |
Group, today I saw the former Georgia & Florida Caboose X66 that was moved from the Alexander City Sportsplex to a private residence off of Alabama Hwy. 9 in Elmore County just past the Coosa County line. Upon taking the metal sheathing off of the outside lettered for the CoGA, the owner found the original wood with the G&F lettering along with the original green herald/logo and the original number X66. We were both thinking it was the X65, so this was big news! I have several pictures taken today and the owner has several more pics taken of the lettering. I/We need all of the historical information that we can get so that the owner can put the caboose back as close to original as possible. One thing I'd personally like is the exact paint mix for the wooden caboose. The owners seem really interested in duplicating the original caboose and would really appreciate all of the info possible.One more thing, as stated above, we both thought this was going to be the X65. Does anyone know where the X65 is if it's still out there or if there are any other G&F cabs like this one around? Pictures can be seen in the ALrails and the RRcaboose Yahoo! Groups Photos sections if you're interested.
Dale Burns Webmaster, Dale's Alabama Rail Pic's Yahoo! IM ID: Stagmie
Owner/Moderator, Alabama Railroads Yahoo! Group (ALrails) Post message: Subscribe: Unsubscribe: List owner:
NS CofGa Alabama Division P Line MP362.2
-- Dale E. Burns (, August 21, 2003
No, I don't believe it is the same one. The one I'm speaking of has been here in Alexander City, AL. for the last 10 or more years at the Alexander City Sportsplex. Sim Wilbanks, who still lives here in town and runs a financial business, was a Southern VP who had an office in Washington, D.C. and his own business car. When he retired, he got the former G&F X66 which had by then been metal sheathed in metal. He also got the former CofGA Stroud, AL. Depot. He kept them in a field behind his house for a long while until both were donated to the City of Alex City. The City placed both in the Sportsplex. Last year, the City very regretfully tore down the depot and sold the cab to a private individual.This individual is really trying to get as much info as possible about the cab so that it can be refurbished to as close to original as possible. I'm looking for exact paint mixes for the red and also the green heralds. Any pictures, info, etc. would be very greatly appreciated!
One more thing. It still puzzles me as to why, on one of the large wooden supports under the cab, "G&F X65" was written with a white wax pencil. The cab is very plainly stenciled "X66" on the body on both sides. Was there confusion about which cab it was after the metal was added possibly?
-- Dale E. Burns (, August 25, 2003.
Is this the C of G cab that used to be in Carroll County somewhere? I friend of mine in Bowdon took me to see it a few months ago, but we discovered that it had been moved.
-- Andrew Durden (, August 25, 2003.