Naruto game?!!!!?????????! : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Does anyone have any of the naruto games? If so how are they but really im asking about the naruto game on gamecube i wanna know will it have the characters from the chuunin exam and also how is the gameplay and are there a variety of techniques like on the show?

-- Anonymous, August 09, 2003


I heard that it only went up to rock lee so that means no ino(and her teammates),Gaara(and teammates),Hinata(and team mates) , etc.

-- Anonymous, August 09, 2003

I have the gba naruto game.the game is kind of hard to explain but i'll try. It's a side-scroller game that doesn't really incorperate the anime into the game.You can play as either naruto or sasuke and even kakashi but he is a secert charactor. You can do the basic punch/kick and of course jump. You can also use shurikens and elemental scrolls. Also you can preform jitsu's with a charging meter like sexy no jitsu. the levels are just a forest-type place. During the levels, you fight differnet random no-name ninja's. At the end of each level you fight the boss which is one of the other ninja students. The game is pretty fun but there is no english verse out but you don't need to know japanese to play. I think thats about it. You can find the rom around on the net but I won't tell where it is. My rule for being a pirate ;D

-- Anonymous, August 11, 2003

hey.. what's this naruto game genre? rpg? action? adventure? wahh.. can somebody tell me. Actually I am in Australia, exactly in Victoria- Melbourne. where can I find this game? Do anyone know besides naruto game on gamecube, what about on PC or Playstation? ok.. tats all i wanna know.. arigatou

-- Anonymous, August 16, 2003

the game is an action side scroller. I forgot where i found it, but shouldn't been too hard to hunt. Yes, the game is hard unless you cheat (save state) and then it becomes really easy. I unlocked everything in an hour.

-- Anonymous, August 16, 2003

net pirates are frooty like the loops you buy at the store, frooty ass net pirate fagot, youre probably a fat ass sitting on your comp in some kind stupid counter strike "gang"... youre nothing but an ASS pirate, ya ass pirate. geta gurlfriend..... actually you robably cant even get into a cs clan, you probably call yourself "the_asspirate" fruitkake, gawd youre a ass....ass!

-- Anonymous, September 07, 2003

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