Opening a coffee shop : LUSENET : Coffee Related Buy/Sell/Trade : One Thread

My husband and I are thinking about opening a coffee shop in Toronto. We don't understand anything about coffee; however, we are coffee drinkers and would like to explore all the potential of the world of coffee. We'd like to learn everything possible related to coffee: import coffee from South America, coffee shop with roast-on-site, the art of roasting, etc.

-- Julia Kunzendorff (, August 08, 2003


much of what you need to know can be gathered at this web address.

good luck, but it takes a bit more than enjoying coffee to run a coffee shop. many have tried, many have succeeded, many have failed.

-- Jim Simonitch (, August 09, 2003.

this address might be better

-- jim simonitch (, August 09, 2003.

if you are interested in importing coffee, we have available green beans or freshly roasted coffee for sale, our coffee coes from our own farms in El Salvador and is wholy procesed in them. Please e mail me for more information

-- gerardo gutierrez (, October 10, 2003.

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