JVC GR-D70U View finder and LCD

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread

The viewfinder and LCD screen only display white. Anyone else have the same problem? Any information would be helpful. Thanks alot!

-- Sheri (sherilee28@bis.midco.net), August 05, 2003


Ese problema es muy grave . DEfecto en main pcb. mejor llevala a un servicio tecnico autorizado.

-- Juan Luis (reparaciones@telefonica.net), February 17, 2004.

I have same problem in JVC camcorder(JVC GR-D90U) purchased last october. I am having trouble getting a picture on my camcorder. When I turn it on I only see black through the lens and/or through the screen. It looks like the cap is still on the lens. Constantly gives the lens cap warning in automatic and manual modes. Will only record sound. LCD is black with only the warning message.

-- pankaj madhani (pmmadhani@yahoo.com), November 15, 2004.

I was the same problem and the solution was change the the ccd circuit

-- Arildo Carvalho (arildo.carvalho@bol.com.br), January 13, 2005.

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