From Atlanta to the Sea : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

Hello, I have a photograph (13 1/4 x 31 & 1/2 inchs long) of "The Augusta RR Eastward. "From Atlanta to the Sea" It is of some civil battle. There is no date on this but I am thinking this is when General James B. McPherson was alive or after he was killed. It is signed -Memento of the Panorama, your friend, Theo R. Davis, do you have any information on this?

-- L.. Swenson (, August 05, 2003


i only know that t. r. davis was a reporter for harpers weekly. unlike winslow homer, davis was an imbeded reporter, who drew many pictures during the war between the states. he was wounded at least twice, and due to his fearlessness, he was much respected amoung the enlisted men. after the war, he had an oceanfront studio in asbury park nj. would love to get a color copy of the photo.

-- jim foley borough of deal historian (, September 14, 2004.

It may be a photograph of a portion of the Cyclorama of the Battle of Atlanta; a portion of which features the Georgia Railroad running eastward toward Decatur and Stone Mountain. Without pulling any references, I recall that the Federal line was established at "the Georgia Railroad cut" and the name, Theo R. Davis, rings a bell as being one of the painters (or perhaps a participant in the battle).

-- David Payne (, August 06, 2003.

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