Lighter Side Of Religion : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

God must have a sense of humor since we have one. So...

One Sunday morning an enthusiastic preacher was still going strong after two hours. Finally, an old man got up and started down the aisle to the back door.

Where are you going? the preacher asked.

I'm going to get a haircut, the old man said.

Why didn't you get a haircut before you came to church? the preacher asked.

I didn't need one then. the old man said.

Add yours>>>

-- Michael Hitzelberger (, August 02, 2003


Lighter Side Of Religion

-- Mike H. (, August 02, 2003.

A Hindu priest, a rabbi and a tel-evangelist were traveling together when they were overcome with fatigue. They stopped at a farmhouse and asked for lodging, but the farmer said he had room for only two. One of them would have to spend the night in the barn.

" I’ll go, " said the Hindu priest, and off he went. A few minutes later there was a knock at the back door. There stood the Hindu priest exclaiming, " I can’t stay in there. There’s a cow in there, and cows are sacred in my religion. It would be impossible for me to sleep in the same room with a cow. " The farmer then asked which of the other two would volunteer to sleep in the barn. " I’ll go, " said the rabbi, and off he went. A few minutes later there was a knock at the back door. It was the rabbi. " There’s a pig in that barn. It wouldn’t be kosher for me to sleep there. I cannot do it! " exclaimed the rabbi.

" OH, ALL RIGHT, " said the televangelist, " I’ll go, " and off he went.

A few minutes later, there was a knock at the back door. It was the cow and the pig.

-- Mike H. (, August 02, 2003.

dear Mike H

that last one was simply superb!!

-- Ian (, August 02, 2003.

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