Looking for Tim Pagegreenspun.com : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread |
I am the author of The Fighting Pattons (www.fightingpattons.com) and looking for Tim Page who took pictures of Colonel George Patton in Vietnam. Does anyone have an e-mail address or other contact point for him?Thank you!
-- Brian Sobel (bsob@aol.com), July 31, 2003
Brian,a google search turned up an article, 10/2003, apparently tim is living in Queensland, NSW. My first reaction when I saw your query was that he had died. He was severely wounded but did survive. derry
-- derry gallagher (dgallagher@rgv.rr.com), January 25, 2004.
I am also looking for Tim Page. My veterans group is interested in buying several of his books on Vietnam in order to donate them to local high schools. If you find an email address, would you mind passing it along? Would appreciate it. Thanks.
-- Debra Wood (mssctplt@comcast.net), May 29, 2004.
Answer to you questions:I worked in Cambodia and new Tim well 1991-93 UN. Tim is now a professor at Griffith University, Queensland, Australia. Dept of Photography. As at 01 July 2004. His email address is tim@timpage.com.au
Hope this helps
-- Bob Hopper (bob.hopper@defence.gov.au), July 02, 2004.
Hi - if you are looking for Tim Page please feel free to contact him on tim@timpage.com.auAlternatively you can also email myself as I am his assistant here in Australia. Tim has relocated to Brisbane Qld. The contact phone numbers are +61 7 3700 5205 (phone) or +61 7 3700 4672 (fax) Cheers!!
-- Emma Naidoo (emma@dragonflypathways.com.au), March 11, 2005.