MV or Ducati ??? which one ....HELP? : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Between Duc. 999S & 998 & MV F4S. Which is the best handling .. i know MV is the most beautifull! Which is the best value? I need one!

Thanx for help :)

-- sean m (, July 31, 2003


I have a Ducati 996SPS and a 2.002 Mv Agusta F4 1+1 and the mv have best handling and look the sps have complete ohlins suspencion.

-- Maximo Diaz (, July 31, 2003.

Between the Senna and the 999S - umm, let's see. I can tell you they are very different rides, of course. I'd have to say the Senna turns in quicker although I find the S much quicker than the 916. I think the S is probably easier to live with day in and out due to the bottom end grunt. I don't think the Senna is as bad as some that seem to complain about the standard F4 though. The S is a less aggressive riding position than the F4 which probably makes it easier on day to day riding too. Both are fabulous rides with the Senna being the more "oh my God" sensation. The S is just very impressive all the way around - you look down at the speedometer and are surprised how fast you're going. The S is very deceptive with speed sensation. The Senna, you know you're going faster than stink. Bottom line? You can't go wrong with either - just depends on what you like. I find the V twin easier overall but can't help but be blown away by the top end rush of the 4. If the 4 is more your style... I could go on and on. They're both great, very different machines. Maybe 1 last point. My wife loves the S - I have to beg to get riding time. She won't get on the Senna - too intense and intimidating for her liking.

-- DaveB (, August 03, 2003.

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