looking for sony vx1000

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread

I am looking to buy a sony vx1000, i dont have much money to buy one for, i am looking to make a career of being a pro skateboard filmer. my local skate shop is about to start makeing there next video and they need filmers, i am looking to become one of them the only problum is i dont have the equitment, i currently have a sonydcr-trv 18, its a good camera but not good enough, so i am possible looking to trade my current camer w/kenko fisheye,wide eye, telophoto,battery,charger,and rca cords plus $300 for a used and working sony vx1000, possible with fisheye, please email me if you think you could be interested in this offer.

-- chris (sk8erlv1@cs.com), July 30, 2003


For the money and trade you are offering, I have a sony vx700. Its the exact same thing as the 1000 only it does not have 3 ccd only a 1 ccd. I have used this for professional shoots myself and just upgraded to 24p. If interested write back.

-- jose arteaga (mookiedog2002@hotmail.com), August 14, 2003.

go to EBAY.COM buy it in auction

-- HUNG DANG (hungvius@yahoo.com), August 26, 2003.

definatly save your money up to buy a vx1000 they are great cameras i have that i bought off ebay for 1300 and i have deah lens with it the vx 1000 is 3 chip and that makes a whole lot of diffrence from 1 chip they arent cheap but when you get one you know they are definatly worth it

-- Chae Devine (emericapunk02@aol.comn), December 15, 2003.

yeah the VX1s are what everybody is using, VX2s are sick too they can handle a few kicks but the sound quality isnt as good. go with the VX1, oh yeah brand new is probably 2500. plus death lens + 500.

-- dana. (justbootlegit@hotmail.com), January 20, 2004.

Are you still looking for a VX1000 ? I have one give me a email and we can talk Dennis

-- Dennis Gillis (mmgillis@rawbw.com), January 29, 2004.

hands down dude vx2000 is better for nightshooting, and the 1000 is better for daylight. also if you need some lights you can go to home depot and theyre really cheap. the one problem is generators, but if youre shooting at a school, look around because there are always consoles, and get an extention cord. my dad has a 2000 and i use it when i can and i think im going to put the 1000's microphone into the 2000 because i have heard better about it. thought it might help if you plan to do night shots. peace

-- ben (emericanskater2004@yahoo.com), February 16, 2004.

Does anyone knows if a wide angle lens for a sony vx1000 really makes shot better or wider or isnt it worth buying and does any one knows how much an wide angle lens cost?

-- daniel van Eerd (daniel_vaneerd@hotmail.com), February 19, 2004.

o yeah and is the lens size of a sony vx1000 .65 ? thnxs

-- daniel van Eerd (daniel_vaneerd@hotmail.com), February 19, 2004.

im looking for just the original charger and battery for the vx1000 if anyone would like to sell it or know of a place i can get it pease instant message me at GL8o5 or email me Roll8o5@aol.com thanks

-- Gage (Roll8o5@aol.com), March 09, 2004.

hey im looking for a vx1000 or gl1 for around $500.00 even if its broken i just need a camera for a skate film really bad please email me if your interested---chris

-- chris waugh (waugh2000@attbi.com), March 11, 2004.

thread size for the vx1000 is 52mm I think. i am also looking for a vx1000 (pal). willing to pay around £500/750eur/$900. am looking to buy as soon as possible.

-- Simon Jones (simon_himself@hotmail.com), March 30, 2004.

Hey, I also skate, i need a vx 1000 email me if your looking to sell one. thanks patgreasin@hotmail.com

-- pat greasin (greasin@hotmail.com), April 01, 2004.

hey i would like to bye a vx 1000 with any accessories available.. email me with your price, also if you have any pictures, that would help. im looking at or around 900 dollars, give or take a little. thanks geoff

-- geoff (shortsk8er@msn.com), April 24, 2004.

iv been filming w/ my sony trv27 and my century optics baby death lense. im upgrading soon to the vx1000, just looking for the right deal. ill probally put down a lil more than 1,100. if you are intrested for trading or have a VX for bout that price, e-mail me

-- TOny (Hotsnowman101@aol.com), May 08, 2004.

hey can you send me some pics of the vx and death lens....im intrested in it

-- AJ Gamboa (prevailskater@sbcglobal.net), May 21, 2004.

hi i am from new zealand. also looking for a vx 1000. i already have submitted footage to some footage to many new zealand videos. i go about 2000 - $2500. some one give me some ideas on where are the best places to get my hands on one.

-- jason greedy (leighbee_07@hotmail.com), May 27, 2004.

Hello, I am the owner of Anecdote skateboard company and I was interested in purchasing a sony DCR vx 2000 from anyone, we are filming for our first video / ANecdote volume 1


-- David Phillip JOhnson (Anecdotesk8ter1@aol.com), June 21, 2004.

i am also looking to buy a vx 1000. accessories are welcome. a fisheye or other wideangle lens would be more than welcome additions. a century optics 3x fisheye lens would be prime but mainly i am looking for the camera. email me with a price and a description, possibly pictures; and i'll see if we can work out a deal. thanks Geoff

-- Geoff Smart (shortsk8er@msn.com), June 27, 2004.

i just recentaly bought a vx 1000 off of ebay. ebay always has 1000's for bid and "buy it now" so check that out. they usualy go for $1200. on average for buy it now. but usualy come w/ some kind of package.

-- Maxwell Stone (volcom360stone@aol.com), July 20, 2004.

hey im looking for a used vx1000 in ANY condition my vx1000 with death lens was recently stolen then i was scammed on one on ebay and im looking for another vx1000 in any condition if broken it has to be fixed easily with little extra money into it to fix it i need this very desperately or i will lose my job but i have very little to spend on this thanks for your time email me at ATV540@aol.com

-- Steven (ATV540@aol.com), August 29, 2004.

I have a vx 1000 for $975 but viewfinder doesn't work when up.People say there is a cheap fix for it? It works when its down.

-- rick (mlarry48@yahoo.com), September 02, 2004.

hey people.. does anyone know if the vx1000's come with fisheyes or not becasue im thinking about getting one... if they dont come with fisheyes how much do they cost for an OK fisheye. thanks

-- brian (thestonedmonkey5@aol.com), September 04, 2004.

hey, i also am a skater and I do alot of filming with my trv-18 and fisheye. I NEED to upgrade and am willing to trade mine and some cash or just buy a VX1000. anyone herd about the VX-2100?

-- Andrew Smith (ddr_dawg@hotmail.com), September 30, 2004.

Hey I am looking for a Sony vx700...ANyone have any idea or one they could sell me....If so..email me

-- Noah Wetzel (air_clockboy@freeskiing.com), October 07, 2004.

Why are all of you wasting your time with the vx1000 spend the extra and go for the vx2100 which is better and has a lot better features.

-- Steve (pooeater1228@yahoo.com), October 12, 2004.

Hey, looking for the cheapest deal on a vx1000, so serious about filming, someone give me a price under a thousand. Later

-- Ricky W. (xxspitxfirexx@aol.com), October 16, 2004.

Today on ebay i boguth a vx2000 with $800 worth of accessories for 1500 US. The extra stuff included: Pelican 1500 Hard Case, Sony VCL-HG0758 Wide Angle Conversion Lens x0.7, Sony NP-F960 additional long life battery, Sony ECM-HS1 Electret Condenser Microphone, Porta Brace RS-2000 Camcorder Rain Slicker.

Here's some pics: http://www.transistorproductions.com/SONYVX2000.htm

So anyone interested in a vx camera should check out ebay. They have awesome prices on used stuff, except for the vx2100, all you'll find for that one are expensive ass prices for pro kits, nothing used. I also saw vx1000's for really good prices, so check em out if your interested.

I decided to go witht he vx2100 over the cheaper vx1000 because of the low light, lcd screen, better veiw finder. Im mostly using it for skateboarding, but for school as well, so the lcd would be very useful .

-- Antohny (licensed__to__ill@hotmail.com), October 18, 2004.

if you read my last post, you will learn that i can not type whatsoever.

-- Anthony M. (licensed__to__ill@hotmail.com), October 18, 2004.

is anyone interested in buying a vx1000 w/ death lens? they are both in excellent condition, comes with all the accessories + tamrac carrying bag; $1900. email me for details: transgress@yahoo.com

-- pete (transgress@yahoo.com), October 19, 2004.


-- pete (transgreshun@yahoo.com), October 19, 2004.

Im looking to buy a Vx1000 that is working well and is in good condition. I am willing to spend around $1200.

-- Luke (kovach647@aol.com), November 15, 2004.

hey you guys guess what i just ordered a vx2100 im soo siked about it this cam is gana save my life and make me famous hopefully. i have had about 3 other cameras but nothing like this i currently run this local website www.ckskate.tk and once i get this camera things r gana be off the chain!! and i might upgrade to a dot com site also so check it out and drop me a line if you have any questions or comments thanks!

-- austin martin (ssskating@yahoo.com), December 05, 2004.

what are the pro's and con's between the vx1000 and vx2000 which is better?

-- Jamer Odney (artosaari1023@yahoo.com), January 02, 2005.

If someone spends over 1200 dollars for a vx1000e, he's crazy! If you do 400 dollars with that you can buy a vx2000 and that has a lcd screen en better resolution ;)

-- Jurriaan (jurriaanvandrunen@hotmail.com), January 12, 2005.

it is not better resolution than vx1000 or if so only at night shooting, vx1000 also has bigger chips which makes all the difference

-- dc (coomsuak@hotmail.com), January 15, 2005.


im currently using a canon mvx250i but i findit extremely hard to use when tryin to flim skating, im lookin to upgrade to a vx1000 or vx2000, if anyone has either of these in good condition and is willing to sell them then please contact me


-- daniel mullan (danmuggins@aol.com), January 16, 2005.

I really need a vx 1000 for a cheap price. I need it to film for my teams new video. I am really picky about the condition as well...sorry. If anyones got a deal, Email me.

-- Max (WRECKandDESTROY@hotmail.com), January 21, 2005.

dude vx2000s suck whos gives about the lcd vx2100s are good and vx1000s are the best get it stright look in all your skate magazines vx1000 mk1 is the setup every time and if not that they have a gl2 mk2

-- (blakerea@forNCskateboarding.com), January 30, 2005.

I just recently purchased a sony vx-1000 and I was looking for a Century Optics .3x depth lens or the Raynox dcr-fe180PRO for around 200$ E-mail me back if anyone has one in good condition and is willing to sell.

-- Matt (kal137@attbi.net), February 16, 2005.

Looking for a VX1000 . willing to pay around $500-600 range . Went on ebay and lost 2 bids hhaa. Im pretty desprate to get one so if your selling one, hit up my e-mail. Thanks

-- corey (skater4life757@gmail.com), February 20, 2005.

Sorry i forgot to add this.

Also willing to trade my 3 week old sony DCR-TRV22 w/ case and all plugs and what not for a Vx1000. Also maybe $100 or so added cash. E- mail me if your interested. Vx1000 needs to be working and not crazy messed up. E-mail me.

-- corey (skater4life757@gmail.com), February 21, 2005.

Hey I am just lloking for an MK1 Death Lens, if anyone has one, hit me up I really need one and would be willing to hook you up to the max from my skateboard company, Drater Skateboards. I am looking at the $400-500 range. Thanks



-- Ian (ian@draterskateboards.com), March 02, 2005.

hey, yea i skate too, i am in desperate need of a vx100 i bought a samsung sc-d107 and it sucks it took me five months to save up for it i have about 600 dollars right now if anyone will sell me a vx100 for 5-6 hundred it wouold be deeply appreciated

-- johnnie jarrell (dogtownskater013@aol.com), March 02, 2005.

i am in desperate need of a sony vx1000. i also skateboard and am is horrible. one it eats tapes and two i wasted 200$ on a video card on it because its analog. anyway i have about (00$ already so if anyone wants to email me id appreciate it. (PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE)

-- (crooks501@aol.com), March 10, 2005.

i am in desperate need of a sony vx1000. i also skateboard and am is horrible. one it eats tapes and two i wasted 200$ on a video card on it because its analog. anyway i have about 900$ already so if anyone wants to email me id appreciate it. (PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE)

-- (crooks501@aol.com), March 10, 2005.

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