encoding windows movie maker

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

i am try to learn to use windows movie maker. i am wondering how to encode my projects in to mpeg format. it seems that wmm creates these clips to .msmmv format and i can't seem to find out how to convert these back to a useable format. most of the clips in my project are .avi,.mpeg but when project is saved it changes them to .msmmv. again i'm just starting in the feild of videos. thanks..

-- tony bullard (tonto@cableone.net), July 27, 2003


TMPGenc (http://www.tmpgenc.net) is pretty easy to use, not very expensive, and gives very good results. I know nothing about the software you are using, but it seems to me that maybe you should consider using something else. http://www.vcdhelp.com has some nice guides on how to use TMPGenc. You can use TMPGenc to create VCD, SVCD or DVD.

-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), July 28, 2003.

Well, you can save your movie maker project as a movie file - as found in the file menu, into your harddisk. Then if you have a burning software (e.g. NERO burning-rom) choose to compile a new VCD then drag your movie file into the compilation and it will be burned into your blank CD-R [VCD format]. You can watch it on a regular VCD player or PC.

-- Salvo Lucero (patchlucero@yahoo.com), July 30, 2003.

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