Is the dubbed hellsing better then the subbed? : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

I have the subbed version of all 13 episodes, and I love the manga. But many people told me that they enjoyed the dubbed version better. That suprised me that so many people liked the dubbed version better because most of the dubbed animes I've seen almost always are worst then the subbed. So did you guys like the dubbed or the subbed on better? Also does anyone know were I could get episode 7-8 dubbed? Hopefully through bittorrent.

-- Anonymous, July 27, 2003


In my opinion, they're both equal. The Hellsing dubbing is one of the best I've ever heard in anime.

-- Anonymous, July 27, 2003

I honestly did like the dub more than the sub. Alucard's voice is.... intoxicating? hehehe. They really did a good job on it. Most animes that I have seen _are_ better subbed, with Hellsing being a rare exception. No clue as to where you can get the eps dubbed.

-- Anonymous, July 27, 2003

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