VCD made with Nero is not good : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread


I made a VCD which out of a DIVX movie and when I watch it sometimes it it has those distorsions over the screen, I mean whole picture, and audio is late, like the video runs much faster than the audio and vice-versa.

Before I make VCD I do some adjustments (size, contrast-brightness, audio adjustments, etc...) of a file I want to convert into a VCD and I do that i VirtualDubMod.

Would it be better to convert movie as it is without adjustments or adjustments have nothing to do with it.

I wish U well


-- Almir N (, July 23, 2003


I suggest you go to and look at the guides on how to encode using TMPGenc (available at Virtual Dub and its various spin off programs can be very difficult to use correctly. I do want to mention that TMPGenc is very bad at audio conversions and you should use a program like the BeSweet GUI ( in the Downloads section) to convert your audio and only convert the video with TMPGenc, then mux them together.

-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), July 24, 2003.

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