the size of MEPG1 after ecode by TMPGEnc-2.520.54.163-Free is small is it ok? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
After I encode the AVI into MPEG1 using TMPGEnc-2.520.54.163-Free the size of the video got really small(about 1/4 of the original video) is this noromall? coz the guality seems little bad.If I burn this will it be as good as my original AVI? I am new at this so If someone can tell me step by step I will be so glad
-- Shin (, July 23, 2003
It's possible that your results are normal. It depends on what codec the original AVI file used. has guides on using TMPGenc to encode. Sorry, but the final MPEG-1 will not be as good as the original AVI. VCD uses low bit rates so it is never as good as the original source. If you use Noise Reduction in TMPGenc it can improve the quality some, but it will take a VERY long time to encode, maybe days.
-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), July 24, 2003.