Gundam Seed 40 question (SPOILER) : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

So Kira is the brother of that one blonde girl?

-- Anonymous, July 18, 2003


Yeah. I was surprised by that.

-- Anonymous, July 18, 2003

How could you be suprised by that!!! That was obvious since they got to orb in the first place and the parents talked. DUH...

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2003

Yes, he is. In the episode when they got to Orb, Kira's parents discussed with Cagari's father about two things (they said they didn't tell Kira about his sibling yet, AND they said it was surprising that Kira and his "sibling" have already met on the battlefield).

In the episode where ArchAngel leaves Orb (when Cagari hugs Kira and tells him not to die), Cagari's father and Kira's parents gasp when they see the hug. Obviously, they are surprised that they have such a close relationship.

-- David

-- Anonymous, July 23, 2003

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