Do You Want to Know Where to DL Anime From? I know where! : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

The Big question out there today, Where can I DL Such-an-Such Anime?

Well I can help. I know where and how! And guess what its not KazAa I've created a site that should help all those in need of searching for anime. My Big one is Inu Yasha! But I put down different ways you can also DL Anime too.. So Not only do I have sites on where you can get it, but how you can get it! And I even know of a way that will quicken KazAa. Why am I helping you, because at some sad pitful point I was like you. You must do me a favor and sign my guest to let me know if I helped you or not. I like to know if I can help in any other way. And if you have a quest on a certain anime and where to find it. I have great connections from where you can find it directly. So let me know on my site and I'll find it for you.

Dee Ay


-- Anonymous, July 17, 2003


Very nice site, but you make no mention of WinMX. It's a p2p program sort of like Kazaa but with differences. Mostly there is no spyware. It's really good for downloading the new Inuyasha eps(e.g., the ones that are being shared by a lot of people). However you often get stuck in a long queue when you try to download older anime that few people are sharing. ^_^

-- Anonymous, July 17, 2003

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