burn audio cd from vcdgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I bought some vcd's in Indonesia and I would like to be able to play them on my cd-player. Just downloaded Virtual Dub, but this does not seem to work,I cannot open 'Save WAF-file' Can somebody help me? I am very stupid with these things!Regards, Karin
-- Karin Schut (karinschut@planet.nl), July 16, 2003
This conversion is possible, but complicated. One way I can think of to do it is to use VCDGear (do a web search to find it) to convert the VCD *.dat file(s) to MPEG-1 format. Then you can use TMPGenc (http://www.tmpgenc.net) to demultiplex the MPEG-1 file into separate audio and video streams. Finally, you can use BeSweet (http://www.doom9.net in the Downloads section) to convert the MPEG audio you got after demuxing to WAV format, which will burn to audio CD. I don't remember, but the audio may be called MPA or MP2. Anyway, once you have BeSweet (get the BeSweet GUI also) it's pretty easy to do the conversion to WAV.
-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), July 22, 2003.
Much easier than that. No conversion needed. At least I've done it:1) Copy the DAT to your hard drive, e.g. AVSEQ01.DAT 2) Change its extension to MPG: AVSEQ01.MPG 3) Open it with GoldWave, or CoolEdit, and save it as WAV: File_name.wav 4) Burn this WAV into the CD
-- (lxalvarz@udc.es), January 02, 2004.