How do your convert Real Media VBR to avi files? : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

I know tinra can convert .rm to .avi files... but my files turned out to be something like .rmvbr and dont' know how to convert them with tinra.... any idea??

-- Anonymous, July 15, 2003


You have to get a program that will convert them for you. I've been looking all over the net for a program that will do it for free, but so far I've only found ones you have to pay for.^_^

-- Anonymous, July 15, 2003

There is a problem called EO Video that can convert .rm files to .avi files. It takes a long time but it can convert them. But i just use the program to watch .RM files cause when you convert .rm files to .avi files, it doesn't change the quality. For example, crap in crap going out. Just use EO video watch the .RM files becuase it is better than RM.

-- Anonymous, July 16, 2003

So where can i find the ones that requires you to pay?

-- Anonymous, July 18, 2003

I just go on google and type in a search. Just type in "RM to AVI" in the search window with the ""'s included. You should get a nice list of programs that will do it for you. ^_^

-- Anonymous, July 18, 2003

Anybody can help me....I need to convert my episodies of YUYU from *.RMVB to *.AVI or * you know how?

-- Anonymous, July 22, 2003

pls help ,i need to convert a rmvbr file to avi .i could not find it.anyone would help me pls thanks. a rm to avi no problem only rmvbr file to avi the rm converter couldnt locate rmvbr file .

-- Anonymous, August 17, 2003

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