How much do you all have put up for winter? : LUSENET : ACountryPlace : One Thread

I have ten half pints of preserves and some eggs put in the freezer so far. I will be doing apples this week. I also expect that I will be getting some peas and peaches done soon. This family of six eats so much that I find half the time we eat everything before it makes it to freezer or cellar. The more I plant, the more these children of mine eat. Anyone else have this problem?

Little Bit Farm

-- Little Bit Farm (, July 13, 2003


Man, I haven't STARTED putting food up yet! So far we only have enough to eat fresh. Funny how quickly the veggies get eaten when they are fresh.

-- Terri (, July 14, 2003.

Well my garden is really just starting to produce more than my family of 6 can eat. So I have put chopped green peppers in the freezeer, I made some peach jelly and also put up peaches. Next I will be putting up green beans and tomatoes. I will make salsa also soon. Lauraleah

-- Lauraleah (, July 15, 2003.

My freezer is about full with milk, squash, and a little of this and that. We've put up a couple of canners of tomatoes, and some butternut in jars. Need to do more. I also have milk put up in jars, to feed to next season's kids.

-- mary,tx (mlg@mlg.mlg), July 15, 2003.

My freezer is about full with milk, squash, and a little of this and that. We've put up a couple of canners of tomatoes, and some butternut in jars. Need to do more. I also have milk put up in jars, to feed to next season's kids. AND peaches :)

-- mary,tx (mlg@mlg.mlg), July 15, 2003.

Mary do you have to pressure can your milk? How?

Little Bit Farm

-- Little Bit Farm (, July 16, 2003.

Being alone now I sell my best produce and only put up my gleanings. So far I have 5 gallons of mixed vegetables in the freezer for adding to my ramen noodle cups or single serve soup and 230 dehydrated snack packs of vegetables. Selling the rest off my porch front stand and at our local growers free market made a sweet addition to my savings and slaughtered meat fund

-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, August 04, 2003.

My garden isn't doing much this year. I got it in late because of all the rain this spring. I've managed to put up some beans and have more ready. The tomatoes aren't producing yet (I'm not sure they ever will!) Hopefully, I'll be able to do some tomato juice. I like it so much better than store-bought. I have put up quite a few blackberries that DH picked in the pasture. He doesn't want me to pick them because of the bull and the snakes. I'm happy to "allow" him to do it! LOL It looks like this will be a good year for apples and nectarines (the trees are bent to the ground), so I ought to be able to freeze some of those. :)Apple pie is my favorite! I don't really can much. If I were to come across a bunch of jars for a good price at a yard sale, I would do more, but for now I'll stick mostly to dehydrating and freezing. I know what you mean about the kids eating more, the more you plant. I guess the 5 of mine think vegetables taste a whole lot better if they grow them. I agree! Plentiful harvest!

-- Gayle in KY (, August 04, 2003.

How do you do your tomato Juice? I also love it! Currently I have 8qt southern peas, 8 pts tomatoes with more to do today, 10 qt nectarines, and some refridgerator pickles.

Little Bit farm

-- Litle Bit Farm (, August 04, 2003.

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