Looking for local S'pore Tv serials on VCDs/Videosgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I am looking for a local Singapore TV serial entitled "True Heroes" which was shown on Channel 8 recently. It stars Christopher Lee, Phyllis Quek, Allan Wu and Yvonne Lim. VCD or Video format. Email me.
-- Jean F (chjeanf@yahoo.com.sg), July 12, 2003
you will find it at www.movieson9.com it is a singapore based dvd vcd, out let. the service and prices are excellent
-- Dennis Cryer (dcwh@ihug.com.au), September 28, 2003.
Hi there, I'm stationed in Hong Kong, if you guys looking for any movies or whatever , feel free to contact me at jefcic@yahoo.com
-- Melvin (jefcic@yahoo.com), March 09, 2004.
i am looking a drama serial named "riding the storn starrting chris lee,ann kok,chew chor meng and amanda ho. i also looking for another drama serial rising expectation starring zoe tay and wong lilin
-- Alvin (alvin10@streamyx.com), May 05, 2004.