New Certification Reg's for : LUSENET : Middle School Science : One Thread |
If you haven't heard already, the state's regulations governing certification will change on February 2nd, 2004. If you are pursuing a certificate on your own by submitting credentials directly to the state, then you may want to get that done before the changes take effect. As of February 2nd, 2004, the state will no longer issue certificates based on "transcript evaluation." Instead you will have to go through a “baccalaureate teacher preparation program” in order to get "initial" certification (which replaces the existing "provisional" certificate).If you are already certified ignore this message. If you are enrolled in a certification program, you probably shouldn't worry about it. If you are planning to submit your transcripts to the state directly, either for your first certificate or because you want a second certificate (for example you have a CB license but want to get a science license), then you should do it ASAP. In either case, if you have any questions let me know.
You can also check out the new regulations yourself at:
-- Michael Gatton (, July 07, 2003