CofGa locomotives on Birmingham line : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

Howdy, folks!

I'm just re-entering the hobby of model railroading, and I'm trying to locate locomotive and car kits for the CofGa. I'm interested in this railroad because it runs through the little town of Calcis, Alabama, where my family has its origins. I've found several car kits, but few locomotives.

I showed the 2002 Walther's catalog to my dad to try to find out which steam and diesel locos ran through Calcis when he lived there. Dad's uncle, Bill Bryant, was a conductor along the Birmingham lineduring the steam era, and probably early diesel era, but Dad couldn't identify specific loco models, and I was trying to find out what kits would be likely candidates for purchase.

Any info y'all could send my way would be greatly appreciated. I'd be especially interested in hearing from any retired CofGa employees who remember Uncle Bill.



-- John B. Justice (, July 07, 2003


Have you been to this site that lists calendars available - with images of C of G - at the Southwestern Railway Museum? Read the locos listed for each of the several calendars available,

-- Howard Thompson (, September 22, 2004.

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