Original Japanese Animation DVD'S

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I am Looking for Distributers of Original DVD's especially Japanese Anime DVD's to supply my retails Shop in Kuwait , Getting Distributership permission is a must due to regulations in kuwait to sell original movies.

If you can help please send me an email.


Fakhri Rajab,Kuwait

-- Fakhri H.S.F.Rajab (fakhrirajab@hotmail.com), July 04, 2003


Dear Fakhri,

Thanks for your precious time! We got your reference as one of the leading Distributor & Trader of Japanese Animaion, and we wish to take this opportunity to self recommend to you our company. Below pls find a short brief introduction of ourselves.

We, 'Hyper Vision Ltd.' established in 1996 are the wholesaler of the Japanese Animation in Taiwan. So kindly advise your interest and your contact email, and we will further send you all necessary information for your reference.

If you have any further queries/ comments, pls do not hesitate to contact with me. I will always be glad to be of assistance.

Awaiting for your prompt reply!

Best regards, Charles Hyper vision Ltd.

-- Charles (cjasonok@ms14.hinet.net), July 14, 2003.

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