Encoding with TMPG

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I have captured some videos with 480 x 576 resolutions. I then tried to encode the video with TMPGEncoder to make SVCD's. But TMPG says it cannot open the files as the format is not acceptable.

Can any body explain why this happened.

-- Sam (samara@slpa.lk), July 04, 2003


How did u capture these videos? What codec was used? What version of TMPGenc r u using? What is your OS? If u r using Windows, do your captured files play back properly in Windows Media player? If they don't then the proper playback codecs required for that type of media file is not, or is improperly, installed. If they play there, then those codecs are not registered with TMPGenc. For maximum stability TMPGenc installation does not alter any files on the PC and instead has its own readers for accepting valid files to encode. In older versions u have 2 run VFAPIinstall in the same directory where TMPGenc is (this file comes separately); in latest versions VFAPI is automatically installed. Read ALL the online help that comes with TMPGenc.

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (turk690@yahoo.com), July 05, 2003.

I have captured video through ATI RADEAN 64MB VIVO card with the bundled ATI software. The captured video can be played and viewed by the Windows Media player and my OS is Windows 98. The version of TMPG is TMPGEncoder 2.5 latest release.

-- Sam (samara@slpa.lk), July 07, 2003.

Try to change a video setting, tmpeg can not read avi format if we render it with dv playback compresor. so I used a video for window and the compresor microsoft avi, then i convert to mpeg with tmpegenc 2.5, the result is good...

-- haikal (haikal@walla.com), August 11, 2004.

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