where can I purchase the Brownfield Wisteria china plates

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread

The Brownfield Wisteria china was served in the first class dining room. Does anybody know where I can purchase a repro of the plate?

-- lisa woolfe (ljlserver@aol.com), July 01, 2003


Check either the traveling exhibit site or www.steamertrunkmerchants.com

I got mine from the exhibit but wanted more information on it so i went online and found tons!Hope this helps!

-- J.D.Rossebeary (sugarbakerdesigns@att.net), September 27, 2003.


you might want to have a look at


Looks like excellent quality and good prices on a range of Titanic china.

-- Ray Perks (ray.perks@blueyonder.co.uk), December 16, 2004.

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