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does anyone know wut gto live action special is about? cuz i know its the drama version(not anime, but real people) of gto, but wut is the special about?

-- Anonymous, June 29, 2003


i think it's the drama series in jap (jap actors etc) which is based on the anime/manga. r they subbing it to english? i dun think it'll be that enjoyable if it's dubbed to english. no point watching anyway since the storyline is basically the same.

-- Anonymous, June 29, 2003

GTO - Live action is a japanese drama/comedy series. It's not an anime series. If i'm not mistaken the anime series (43eps) is based on this drama series. It's about 45-55 minutes long each ep. The special is just out on www.animesuki.com and soon the movie will be out as well. But i doubt it will be within these 2 weeks. I strongly recommend this drama series. It's really a good series which is only 12 eps long. Hope this helps. Kind regards

-- Anonymous, June 30, 2003

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