about fruit basket

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Where can i watch fruit basket? Is it a movie or a show? Do i have to buy the dvd's or is it on tv too?

-- Anonymous, June 26, 2003


It's a show, and I'd imagine it'll never be broadcast on television, at least not in America. It's not based on a concept that Americans would easily grasp, I think. If you want to see it, I'd recommend either buying the DVDs or downloading fansubs of it, which you can easily find on mIRC anime channels, Kazaa or other file sharing programs, etc.

-- Anonymous, June 26, 2003

omg, jordyne, i found a picture of ayame in a dress! lo!

-- Anonymous, June 26, 2003

Do u swear on the cow? Haru's cow? lo!

-- Anonymous, June 27, 2003

i swear on the cow that is haru!

-- Anonymous, June 27, 2003

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