JVC XV-S502: problem playing SVCD

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

My question is ... I have a dvd player that allowes playback of both the vcd/svcd standard, (or at least it's thinks it can) lol When I play vcd its fine but when I load a svcd movie ...the max amount of time it will show,read, & play is 35-36 mins on a 700mb cdr (even if the movie is like 40 mins 45 mins & 50 mins) i don't understand whats goin on, I have a "JVC XV-S502" Is there some sorta firmware update in can flash a settop dvd player with ? PLEASE HELP !! THE VCD BLOCKS R GETTING TA ME <:'-(

-- Sykes (Bonnie_N_Clyde@excite.com), June 21, 2003


If that is indeed SVCD it's normal for a 700mb CD to have a playing time of 36mins max. This is one fo the reasons SVCD didn't become so popular: 3 discs are needed for a 90min. film. How and where do u know that that SVCD u have is 40mins 45mins 50mins???

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (turk690@yahoo.com), June 24, 2003.

My frind hav the dvd player and I make several SVCD disks and only 2 work.. I noticed the movied that dont work on the JVC S502 are working on this new Philips Q35.. I played all my svcd's with "PBC" turned Off..

can the JVC turn "PBC" off aswell???

-- Becky (becky636@yahoo.com), June 25, 2003.

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