I am almost halfway from creating a fan manga series. The only problem is I need more help from people. Please list Ideas (such as an idea for the begining) of the manga series.

-- Anonymous, June 17, 2003


what era? what happened in the past that could possibly influence this story? e.g. trapped evil from 500 years ago returns (typical old rpg). also, u could include a small character analysis for when each of the main characters appears e.g. first time u see "x" u have a big image of him and a few details down the side.

i think u should go for past or future, not present. if u want powers, u could explain evolution of them because of whatever, or in the past, in times of magic etc.

if u want, nick ideas from final fantasy , because they have a great storyline that incorporates most things im telling u - and its a damn fine game too!

-- Anonymous, June 18, 2003

i meant final fantasy 6!

-- Anonymous, June 18, 2003

I think that guy is right but you should go along the story lines of final fantasy 7 because that has the best so far

-- Anonymous, June 19, 2003

trye that ff7 had a better storyline, but ff6 has what i was talking about - a story which involves many past events to mould the future - and hence explain their abilities (not as prominent in ff7)

-- Anonymous, June 20, 2003

try reading some mythologies. many great storylines contain aspecst from mythologies. for example: yggdrasil, odin, thor etc. are from scandinavian mythologie (not if you spel scandinavian that way though).

and ff7 is my nr.1 to. great storyline, u totaly get sucked up in the story. {sob) why did aeris have to die!!

-- Anonymous, June 21, 2003

errr, small mistake.

i meant that i wasn't sure if scandinavian was correctly spelled.

-- Anonymous, June 21, 2003

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