Why does the BAR have a left sided slide bolt?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MILDOT : One Thread

Ok, Why was the Browning Automatic Rifle produced with an ejection port on the right side, but the slide bolt thing On the left side? Can you provide me with any data as to why this was, and if this was the first weapon to try this?

-- vincente giovani (amicisofbourbon@aol.com), June 15, 2003


Bolt is on the left so the shooter can cock the weapon with the left hand while keeping a shooting grip. I've looked through my references and it appears the BAR 1918 was the first, though several other weapons have southpaw cocking handles, notably the FN FAL and HK G3.

-- Bob Chattin (surbat6@earthlink.net), November 13, 2003.

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