Where to buy 'Magic Knights Rayearth' in S'pore?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Anybody know where to buy "Magic Knights Rayearth" in Singapore? It's a Japanese Cartoon and there are 2 series.
-- Sihui (tansihui@hotmail.com), June 14, 2003
Hi I have Magic Knights Rayearth in VCD....but I live in USA. So if you need still want Magic Knights Rayearth I could sell it to you. Just send me an e-mail
-- Ren (ren_ren_00@yahoo.com), August 11, 2003.
Hi there, I'm stationed in Hong Kong, if you guys looking for any movies or whatever , feel free to contact me at jefcic@yahoo.com
-- Melvin (jefcic@yahoo.com), March 09, 2004.
Hi Sihui.. you might want to check at yahoo auction. Here's the link:http://sg.auctions.yahoo.com/ (just type in "rayearth" in the search boz)
since its spore-based, most sellers are from here too. or mayb u might want ot check out at vcd/anime store at Jurong point (level3). they seem to have a lot of anime dvd there. hope this has been helpful!
-- FiRe_RoSe82 (fire_rose82@yahoo.com.sg), March 09, 2004.