Re: "Depression and anxiety problems" : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

Hello all!

I've been away for a little while, and I just checked my Hotmail. Wow! I got impersonated. Makes me feel kind of special. Like I'm part of the family!

In any case, I just wanted to assure all ya'll that I am quite well and happy, and I continue to grow in God's grace as I discern. I don't suffer from the issues described in that post, but I have friends that do, and good people here do as well. Seems that the gag would be more hurtful towards them than me.

Anyway, it's the same person who calls me a simpleton every now and then; "Kevin" or "Henry". Fellow seems to have taken an interest in me for some reason. Just ignore him. But really, before the Lord we are all the most ignorant of simpletons, so I wear it as a badge of honor.

All simpletons, say aye! :-D Aye! God bless.

-- Skoobouy (, June 11, 2003


Aye, skoobury :-)

-- Sara (, June 11, 2003.

Aye-aye, Cap'n.

-- J. F. Gecik (, June 11, 2003.

Eye-I, Skipper Skoobouy

-- Mike H. (, June 11, 2003.


hey, i've never been influential enough to earn an imposter, so consider it the compliment that it is.

-- paul (, June 12, 2003.

Aye! And let no good deed go unpunished!

-- Catherine Ann (, June 12, 2003.

*sings* Aye, aye, aye, aye, I am the Frito Bandito.... Yes, she's still around!

Pax Christi.

-- Anna <>< (, June 14, 2003.

The cure to anxiety is within ourselves, we have to love ourselfs and not care what anyone else thinks of us, we have to feel positive about ourselves, not think negative thoughts, feel that we are as good as the next person, and dont let anybody intimidate us. The answer to our problems is to believe in our selfs, to believe that we can do things , to believe we are in control of our lives, to believe that people well like us as soon as we start loving ourselves.

-- Helen Hurley (, November 26, 2003.

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