converting Sony discman to play vcd's using MPEG card : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Can anyone help me in giving the RF output details of the sony discman(audio cd player) in order to give that signal to MPEG converter card? I want the IC pin nos. or from where should I take the signal to connect to the external MPEG card.

Thanks Ravindra

-- T.VRavindra (, June 11, 2003


What is the model number of the discman?

-- simon (, July 07, 2003.

a man

-- eddie yanto (, July 12, 2003.

Refer to Electronics for You (EFY) Magzine; it may be in on of the issues of year 2000

-- S.L.Srinivasa murthy (, July 31, 2003.

Ok....First of all open your discman & look for the big sony processor chip. Then search the chip no. in "" with extension datasheet. You will get the datasheet of the sony chip & thus you can find the RF pin no.


-- Jesal Pancholi (, August 26, 2003.

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