Selling my car : LUSENET : zipcar : One Thread

I am debating whether to sell my car and start using ZipCar. I currently live in Beacon Hill and drive less than 1000 miles a year. I do not use my car that often because of the parking problems in Beacon Hill. I was wondering if anyone else on this list has switched to ZipCar from private ownership?

Economically, it seems reasonable since I pay around 1000$/year for insurance alone. On the other hand, I do not have a way to research the availability of the Zipcars on Phillips street and/or MGH. Any opinions would be appreciated. Thanks,


-- Anonymous, June 09, 2003


Dear Abhi,

I don't know if you have heard from any of our members yet (we do have many who have surrendered a car or avoided replacing or purchasing are a couple of profiles from the website:, but wanted to help with the second question as much as I can.

We monitor two things related to availability. The first is the actual usage on the vehicles as a percentage of available time for both weekdays and weekends. The second is overall member satisfaction with availability.

When the network becomes 'busy' by either standard, we add additional vehicles for that area.

In addition to the three locations you mentioned, we have an additional two vehicles at Charles River Park, off Staniford St, one of which was recently added in response to demand.

In an area like yours, with 6 cars in a 5 minute walk, it is unlikely that you would not be able to find a vehicle nearby for a time you needed it.

I hope this helps.

Stephen Oakley, Director, Zipcar Boston

-- Anonymous, June 12, 2003

I donated my car to charity when I moved back to the Boston area from Connecticut about two years ago. I'd had the car when I lived here before and found I hardly ever used it -- mainly just for trips to the supermarket to stock up on heavy/bulky items like kitty litter. ZipCar works great for me for the amount I drive, and I appreciate not having to worry about parking, in particular.

I've never had a problem getting the car closest to me if I reserve a day or two in advance and/or can be flexible about the time. If I need to be somewhere at a specific time, or if I need a car for a whole day, I may need to book farther in advance, or look around for other cars that are available.

-- Anonymous, June 13, 2003

My wife and I sold our car on joining Zipcar. It works out because we bicycle for most daily needs. For short reservations, finding a car is never a problem.

For long reservations on weekends, on short notice, it is possible you'd have to walk a bit or take the T to get a car (through you've got 15 choices within a mile). Zipcar is not really the best bet for weekend rentals -- is more hassle, but much cheaper.

In short, it sounds like Zipcar, plus a "frequent renter card" at a major rental company would work fine for your needs. Ask your insurance company about converting to "named non-owner" insurance, to avoid paying for supplemental liability insurance. Get a gold level credit card to avoid paying for collision damage liability.

-- Anonymous, June 20, 2003

You will save money with Zipcar so long as you do not drive very far. The mileage fees are prohibitive. Personally I would rather pay for the gas than for mileage, but right now Zipcar is the best way to get around the city hassle-free.

-- Anonymous, June 22, 2003

Dear Mr. Shelat, Unfortunately, the automotive industry does a damn good job of convincing people (especially Americans) that there is no substitute for owning your own car. This is so thoroughly ingrained in many people that their main impediment to enjoying their moderate income is concept that they can't get along without car ownership, or would be at least miserable from the loss.

Just the opposite is true for many residents of Boston, Brookline, Cambridge and Somerville. The only unexpected expense they might ever be stuck with paying for is a flat. I left my car at a junkyard out on 495 over 3 years ago, and have never regretted it for a moment. When I first joined Zipcar, it was on my 43rd birthday, and it was the best birthday present I ever got. I occasionally had to ride my folding bike a mile or so to get a car for the last minute reservations at first, but now I have 8 Zipcars within a 15 minute walk of my house, one of which is just 2 blocks down the street. Without being a member you can view "car locations" on the web site. See how many there are within a mile of your house. If you are on Beacon Hill, it should be around 6, if I count correctly.

-- Anonymous, June 23, 2003

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