Do you like hentai or not ? : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

I want to know if you like hentai or not ? and why ? Me, I dislike hentai because you see your favorite anime characters spoiled in various and useless sexual scenes. So folks, what's your opinion ?

-- Anonymous, June 07, 2003


Yes i do, but i only watch characters gonig at it that i don't know.

-- Anonymous, June 07, 2003

I, for one, like to watch hentai about characters that i DO know. It sets me in a sort of blissful tantric suspense seeing my favorite anime characters screwing their brains out. Of course, maybe thats just me..

-- Anonymous, June 07, 2003

in my opinion, hentai is disgusting and offensive.

-- Anonymous, June 09, 2003

i agree with piano_master. hentai is nasty and offensive. Blach

-- Anonymous, June 09, 2003

EWWW it is very dirty offensive and just nasty. You ppl out there who like it are nasty minded perverts.

-- Anonymous, June 11, 2003

im with you hax.who would like it?

-- Anonymous, June 11, 2003

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