: LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Hi I have looked in the FAQ and found nothing relating to my query. I would like to copy a video on to a dvd 4.7 GB but it says, it is not in the proper video cd format, it should be: NTSC 350x240 29.97 hz or PAL 352x288 25 hz or FILM 352x240 29.97and it says the audio must be 22/44.1 khz, stero i would be gratful if you could help
-- gavin Bailey (, June 07, 2003 has a guide on making VCD compatible for DVD. Warning - some DVD authoring programs have been reported to refuse to allow MPEG-1 video. While DVD specifications clearly state that MPEG-1 video is valid for DVD, I know that some authoring programs have a pretty restricted list of what they will allow, which is much more restrictive that it should be. In those cases you will have to find another authoring program.
-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), June 09, 2003.