Where to put the Nero Mpeg2 SVCD plug-ins?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Hey,I just obtained the Nero Mpeg2-SVCD-encoder-and-plugin, at least I hope so. But I dont know where to put the unzipped files to make it working. There are four files: * File_id, which is a DIZ file, just saying that it's the encoder and plug-in V.1.2 Final, and some unreadable codes. 1kb. * Paradox, a MSInfo Doc. 13kb. * pdxam12.rar, RAR file, 473kb, should be the beast; * pH, another MSInfo Doc. 6kb.
Could anyone tell me first whether i downloaded the right files (Scanned by NAV, at least not a virus), and how I should use this plug-in? thanks!
-- james (buq77@yahoo.com), June 06, 2003
i have the same..... this not working i need download something new
-- Blacksoul (NicoCabral4@hotmail.com), June 11, 2003.
cut and paste all the files and insert them into the same directory as your nero files i.e. all the dll files etc also get a crack code for it as most is demo versions check www.cracks.am
-- david j. barton (davidbarton378@msn.com), April 30, 2004.