Is there any way to get DN Angel episodes 6+ without using IRC, Kazaa, BitTorrent, or anything needing Windows?? : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

I'm using an iMac (OS 9.0) so ... basically I can't really use much. Soo ... anywhere I could find it using something like Quicktime or RealPlayer?? Or even Windows Media thingy? Because I really don't have access to anything else. -_-; Please ... help me ...

-- Anonymous, May 28, 2003


Here is a direct (http) download link for DN Angel 8: name=Downloads&d_op=viewdownload&cid=30

I hope that help you out. Try mIRC program, you can get it at And go to for more infor on getting on their channel and download DN Angel.

-- Anonymous, May 28, 2003

Actually, there are several ways you can view Divx on your iMac...

First and farmost, look for the Divx Validator. Should memory serve, the program is carbonized, which means OS 9/X compatability. The validator will allow you to watch most everything on the P2P and on BitTorrent. Also, use BitTorrent. There are instructions at the homepage on how to get it to work on OS 9 (I think it uses terminal...)

What are the specs on the iMac BTW?

-- Anonymous, May 29, 2003

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