Catghing Features -- O' computer game -- released! : LUSENET : orienteer kansas : One Thread

Catching features is a very cool video/O' game. Biggins (aka Greg Walker) released an official version recently. You can buy a copy for $30 at:

Before you buy, you'll want to download the demo version to make sure it runs on your computer.

-- Michael (, May 27, 2003


Actually, I couldn't find the OK Suit at all in the official version. This is, of course, quite a scandal. I should probably email the designer of the game and find out what the problem is. I suspect that since the organizer runs for CSU (one of the top relay clubs in the U.S.), they've removed the OK uniform because they fear us!

-- Michael (, May 30, 2003.

So, is the OK suit in the official version?

-- Mook (, May 30, 2003.

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