Video editing tools : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I got a SUMSUN analog camcord and purchase a dazzle Digital video creator(100). I captured and burned viedo to CD,s thru BS recorder gold. My problem is deleting unnessary portions of the video, posting names and descriptions while playing, etc. I wish if someone can advise me the best video eding software. I tried Nero, Dazzle movie star, Ulead, etc but nothing. Also if my movie is 1GB how can I compress to fit a CD-R (800mb) Best regards to all the forum

-- Ismail Abees (, May 25, 2003


My favorite editing software has always been Final Cut Pro. All of the operations that you have listed (My problem is deleting unnessary portions of the video, posting names and descriptions while playing, etc.)can be done easily on this program.

-- Mark Miceli (, December 11, 2003.

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