Gilles Peress' early photos of French mining town, and his early book on Northern Ireland ? : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread


I'm looking for photos that Magnum photographer Gilles Peress' took early in his career of a French mining town. Would also like to see more of his photos from Northern Ireland,,, he spent a long time there during the 'troubles' & made a book, but I've only ever seen a reference (that was not on the Magnum website, mind you!) to the fact that he made a book. Anyone know anything?



-- Paul Kiss (, May 23, 2003


Hello there, I have worked with Gilles in Northern Ireland, as far as I know he has not published a book on Northern Ireland yet, he has been docummenting the place for about 16-17 years now. As far I understand thisis an ongoing project, as he continnues to documment the yearly cycles of peace and violence there. I worked documenting the place for five years and he never mentioned when he was planning to finish the project.

He commented about his first assignment being "Bloody Sunday". Those images became quite famous and so did he, ever since he donated a series of B+W prints to the comunity hall on Derry's bogside. About 25 images are on a permanent exhibition there, those plus another image called "First Snow, Ardoyne" on display in a webpage somewhere (I don't have the address) are the only ones I have seen of this project.



-- Carlos Lopez-Barillas (, June 19, 2003.

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