matrix the movie : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Did any one see the agusta that played a cameo role in the reloaded movie? trinity jumped it into a building and caused a tremendous explosion...that was all the role that it played in the movie. too bad. would have loved to see more of it...but the ducati 998 was awesome enough! the ducati 998 is the only bike in my opinion that could give the agusta a run for its money...especially when looking at both bikes from the front...

-- Surya (, May 19, 2003


Yeah, I caught the black colored version of the MV Agusta with its red rear passenger seat. It was at the beginning of the movie and played out again near the end. I wish we could've seen more of it and the MV name promoted more in the movie. I'm glad they used the Ducati as well. It is still a beautiful bike. However, I believe it was a 996 not a 998.

You can read about the stunt woman (Debbie Evans) who rode it at:

T '00 F4S

-- Tony Perez (, May 20, 2003.

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