Any anime that is like Love Hina and Fruit Basket? : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Is there any anime that is like Love Hina and Fruit Basket?

-- Anonymous, May 19, 2003


Well, I believe that Scrapped Princess is somewhat similar... sort of. I enjoy all of them.

-- Anonymous, May 19, 2003

Hmmmm....there's a lot of anime out there...hard to say they are the same...but you could try these if you haven't seen yet... 1) Hana Yori Dango 2) Gravitation(yaoi show-don't worry it doesn't get intense...they just kiss) 3) DN Angel 4) Ragnarok-Loki(go to for the full name)Mystery show 5) E's- more action, but funni i said there's a lot out's hard to recommend a show to someone that you don't know their interest, but if these show are not of your interest email me and i'll be glad to refer you to some other shows...ciao-

-- Anonymous, May 22, 2003

thanks those were great

-- Anonymous, May 22, 2003

you could also watch fruits basket ai yori yoshi and happy lesson

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2003

Tenchi Muyo,Tenchi Universe, Tenchi in Tokyo( not as good as Muyo)

-- Anonymous, June 12, 2003

Yo, golden boy is somewhat similar.

-- Anonymous, June 26, 2003

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