does anyone knoe this movie "yami no matsuei"??? : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

does anyone knoe this movie "yami no matsuei"???anyone knoe where i can download them????

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2003


I have them in freeloader format on streamload. Not the movie though (didn't know there was one) just the series...

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2003

It's not a movie it's an anime series (in America called 'Decendants of Darkness') based off of a manga of the same title. You can probably DL them from Kazaa or mIRC but since the DVD is out in the US it would be better to jut buy them.

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2003

yeap, it's a GAY series...

-- Anonymous, May 18, 2003

well not exactly.. its yaoi series and nothing outrageous.

-- Anonymous, July 27, 2003

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