secret Sweedish knot : LUSENET : orienteer kansas : One Thread

I'd just like to let everyone know that on Saturday at a PTOC meet, the secret Sweedish knot I had tied my cleats with came undone. I could hardly believe my eyes. They weren't even leather laces. So, THE SECRET SWEEDISH KNOT IS NOT INFALLIBLE! I'm still going to stick with it for a while, but I just wanted to clear an misconceptions in case you were considering using it in a life-or-death matter.

-- Pete (, May 07, 2003


My laces come undone maybe two or three times a year (more than JJ, but probably reflecting that I wear my O' shoes more than JJ does in a given year).

-- Michael (, May 19, 2003.

No, not perfect. I think in the dozen years or so that I've been using it, I've had it come loose probably once every two or three years. But it sure beats ductape if you have to get a rock out of your shoe.

-- J-J (, May 12, 2003.

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