anyone have Y Tu Mama Tambien or other good foreign films on VCD? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Im looking for someone who might have a good copy english subtitled copy of Y Tu Mama Tambien (and your mother too). If you dont then im still looking for brilliant foreign films to trade particuarly:

City of Cod (portugese) Talk to Her (spanish) Amelie (French) Reykjavik 101 (Icelandic) Kandahar (Farsi) Irreversible (French) I Stand Alone (French) Schpaaa (Norwegian) Antanjurat (Innitikut) Maelstrom (French) Criminal Lovers (French)

well ect ect... just email me i live in Australia and im not mad, foreign films are a hell of a lot better than some of the crap that comes from Hollywood these days.

-- mitchell (, May 06, 2003


I have Y Tu Mama Tambien...Do u have any movie similar to be exchange.

-- David Manings (, July 23, 2003.

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